Music needs friends
Good reasons for becoming a member of the Friends of the Georgian Chamber Orchestra
The Georgian Chamber Orchestra Ingolstadt can count on its friends. In 1999 they founded the ‘Friends of the Georgian Chamber Orchestra Ingolstadt Association’. Today there are around 350 members.
The Friends of the Georgian Chamber Orchestra Ingolstadt
- provide the orchestra with both financial and conceptual support
- enable members to meet the musicians personally
- strengthen the orchestra’s relationship with the public
- offer the opportunity to support the work of the GKO and ist organisational framework effectively and sustainably
- send members regular newsletters
- do their best to ensure that the GKO retains its identity through the recruitment of appropriate musicians
- share the responsibility for the GKO as a member of the GeorgischesKammerorchester Ingolstadt Konzertgesellschaft mbH
Become a member of the Friends of the Georgian Chamber Orchestra Ingolstadt!
Each new member adds more weight to our commitment to the Georgian Chamber Orchestra Ingolstadt.
Our members include
- people whose interest in the orchestra is expressed through respect and admiration
- music-lovers who appreciate the musical excellence of the orchestra and see its members as an enrichment
- influential people in the arts, sciences, education and politics
Music needs friends. When do you get member of the Friends of the Georgian Chamber Orchestra?
Further information and the membership application can be found on the website of the Friends of the Georgian Chamber Orchestra Ingolstadt.
Vorsitzende des Vorstandes
Freunde des Georgischen Kammerorchesters e.V.
Wallensteinstraße 48, 85051 Ingolstadt
Quirin Witty, 1. Vorsitzender
Dr. Cordula Mehnert, stellvertretende Vorsitzende
Dr. Andreas Sarropoulos, stellvertretender Vorsitzender
Angelika Willner, Schriftführerin
Georg Förstl, Schatzmeister